
Customer Testimonials

Here's what some of our satisfied customers have to say:

"Anne's dedication to providing quality service is truly unparalleled. From precise market analysis to taking over seller responsibilities, the sale of our property would not have gone as smoothly and successfully as it did without Anne's leadership."--2020 Customer Cambridge Ma


"Anne McEvoy did a fantastic job on my behalf..helping me prepare strategically for the marketing and sale of my property. She offered informed and intelligent advice at every step in the process and succeeded in securing multiple offers above the asking price. Anne genuinely cared about the best outcome for me. She is a real "gem" in the real estate world!"--2014 Customer from Watertown, Ma

"We chose Anne McEvoy based on her reputation with our friends.  We soon discovered that Anne is well versed in real estate marketing, sales, strategy and has built alliances in the community with experts in law and finance.  Anne shares her key contacts in architecture and design as well as home improvement and maintenance.  We have been investing in real estate for twenty years, Anne has exceeded our expectations.  We will choose Anne again, because she has proven herself to be an excellent communicator and a very reliable expert in real estate."--2012 Customer from Boston, MA

 "I highly recommend Anne McEvoy as a real estate broker. We looked at a great many homes in several different towns for a year and a half. She was always incredibly helpful, a great listener and very patient. Anne found our beautiful land in Lincoln and shared our vision of building the home we were dreaming of. Her knowledge of the real estate market, negotiation skills and attentiveness are fantastic."--2010 Customer from Lincoln
"As a broker, I would recommend Anne McEvoy. We have hired her in our last three transactions with great success and results. She is extremely ethical, diligent, smart and pleasant. She earned her bachelor's degree from the University of Pennsylvania and has an MBA from Duke. Her family has been involved in real estate in the Boston and Cambridge area for four generations.  Perhaps what distinguishes her the most is that she is prepared to go the extra mile for her clients. She will meet designers, lawyers,archetects and really help things along.We will definitely hire her again."--2013 Customer from Belmont!

   " Anne McEvoy was our broker in two recent real estate transactions, and our advisor in a third.  Throughout she gave us expert guidance.  I especially admire her attention to those fine details that can make a big difference.
     Anne's professional knowledge is outstanding, but her kindness and empathy are just as important.  She understood how hard it was for me to leave the condo I loved and the city where I lived for many years.
     I recommend  Anne McEvoy with great enthusiasm.  She gave our experience a happy ending.  We will always be grateful to her."--2019 Customer Cambridge

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